In order to offer the best solutions to our battery customers, PENOX is continuously testing
and developing new products. PENOX starts cooperation with the main lead acid battery
players and stays updated on market trends, new regulations and on-going studies from
which our customers will benefit!

Advanced Battery Concepts company and their bi-polar technology.
Bipolar construction is an innovative design advanced lead batteries. Members of GreenSeal license.



ADDESUN (Additives for Batteries in Energy Storage & Solar Storage) Project :
Research concept of Innovative Materials for stationary Lead-acid Battery Technology; 3 years project (Sept. 2017 – Aug. 2020)

Master thesis on « Influence of inorganic Seeding Material on Structural and Electrical Properties of the Positive Active Mass in Lead-acid Batteries »,   University of Ilmenau and Fraunhofer ISC, Würzburg