PENOX GmbH is hiring!
Willst du PENOX gemeinsam mit uns noch erfolgreicher machen? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung unter Angabe deines nächstmöglichen Eintrittstermins und deiner Gehaltsvorstellung online per E-Mail an, oder alternativ via Post.
Ansprechpartner ist Herr Wilfried Görgens (
Gothaer Str. 39, 99885 Ohrdruf/Thüringen
PENOX Group is honored to announce our participation at 20ABC in Cambodia from September 5-8, 2023 allowing us to present the latest developments on battery additives and lead oxides with the following papers:
Friday 8th September at 11.25am presented by Dr. Rainer Bussar
- “Advanced Red Lead and its Benefit for the Lead–Acid Battery Formation Process” – PENOX started with the development of ‘Advanced Red Lead’ to bring additional value to the battery industry through more stable processes and energy reduction.
The following team members will be pleased to welcome you on our booth 5 and to propose PENOX solutions for your individual challenges :
- Thorsten PETERS, Global Sales Director PENOX Group
- Dr. Rainer BUSSAR, Battery Additives Manager PENOX GmbH
PENOX Group was honored to participate at ELBC 2022 in September, allowing us to present the latest lead oxides and battery additives developments.
R&D teamwas presenting the following paper:
-"A new innovation Red Lead: Combining the advantage of tetrabasic seeding with Red Lead”
-“Contributions towards a higher Energy Efficiency in Formation of Lead-Acid Batteries.”
Don’t hesitate to contact your PENOX contact for more information!
PENOX Group at Fenibat
PENOX Group is honored to announce our participation at Fenibat 2022 from May 22-24, allowing us to present the latest lead oxides and battery additives developments.
Dr Rainer Bussar will present the following paper:
“From Basic to Advanced EFB design – Function and Limits of Carbon.”
Please meet us at booth #104!
The team will be pleased to propose PENOX solutions for your individual challenges.
PENOX Korea installed a second red lead oven!
PENOX Korea has successfully installed a second red lead oven in our plant located in Yeongcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.
This new SA3 oven doubles our production capacity and allows us to develop further our business in Korea and in South East Asia. PENOX Korea is able to supply all red lead grades required by the most innovative lead acid battery producers in Asia and PENOX Group is proud of PENOX Korea achievements.
Congratulations to our Engineering and Korean Teams for this well managed project.

New Barton 180 in Monterrey/Mexico!
“PENOX Group is delighted to announce the commissioning of our new Barton 180 in our facility close to Monterrey/Mexico! PENOX shareholders and Executive Board officially inaugurated our new line on October 15th, 2019, giving an additional capacity of 8000 tons per year to attend the growing needs of lead oxide for the NAFTA battery market!”

PENOX 25th anniversary
PENOX was born on October 1st, 1994 – as PENARROYA OXIDE – and find its origins in the merger of the lead oxide activities of Heubach & Lindgens and of Metaleurop, bringing together lead oxide production and experience in the fields of red lead, litharge, battery oxide and Engineering to create the European leader in lead oxide production. Even if we celebrate today our 25th anniversary, this is more than 150 years of experience that PENOX has acquired through these two initial industrial shareholders, involved in lead oxide production already in the 19th century.
This unique experience added to a passion for lead oxide makes PENOX the preferred partner for every important consumer of lead oxide, starting with all lead acid battery producers. PENOX offers to its customers a unique security of supply being the only producer in Europe with multiple production sites – one in Germany and one in Spain – but also the possibility to get global supply all around the world thanks to our factories in Mexico and Korea.
What will happen during the next 25 years? Environmental and energy storage issues are big challenges to the battery industry but also opportunities! PENOX R&D team is developing new materials to support the lead-acid battery industry in increasing its competitiveness by improving the performance of both positive and negative plates. 2019 – year of our 25th birthday – will be a record year for Battery Additives sales thanks to the hard team work, commitment and dedication of all the PENOX employees around the globe!
We take the opportunity of this 25th anniversary to thank warmly all our customers and business partners for the fruitful collaboration and partnership developed along the years and look forward to supporting you in the development of the next generation of lead acid battery!